
  • An online literary and arts journal, a submission based platform for word and art lovers alike, a community for creators to create and consumers to consume, a blog for the girl-bloggers without domains, a place to make submission feel welcome and warm and not daunting, a pedestal for new and emerging artists be noticed and adored, a space for established writers to engage and perform, a secret society, a not-so-secret cult, an experiment, yet another passion project from Dakota Warren, a curation of art that makes Dakota feel something, anything, everything all at once.

    NOWHERE GIRL COLLECTIVE seeks words in all genres and art in all media, work that makes you feel something, anything, everything all at once, too.

  • LADY DAKOTA WARREN (formerly known as Nowhere Girl) is an author, poetess and performer but also very much just a girl.

    Dakota’s girlhood was spent in rural Australia daydreaming, dancing and scribbling poems onto napkins. After many years of posting for her loyal 10 subscribers on her blog NOWHERE GIRL, Dakota began the relentless process of submitting to literary journals and magazines whilst she studied - double majoring in literature and creative writing at university and training to be an actress with the National Theatre - quite literally devoting her life to the arts. Scouted in 2021 by indie publisher PURE NOWHERE, her debut anthology ON SUN SWALLOWING was published in 2022, a passion project turned international bestseller and finalist for the Goodreads Choice Best Poetry Book of 2022 with the help of Dakota’s fast growing audience. Crowned bCreator’s Book Creator of the Year 2023, Dakota now lives in London drowning willingly in further passion projects such as obsessively enthusing about the arts on her cult-like corners of the internet, working on her upcoming novel and/or anthology, and now managing and curating the newly birthed NOWHERE GIRL COLLECTIVE.

    You can find her here on Instagram, Tik Tok and YouTube.

  • Dakota wanted to create a space for undiscovered and discovered artists alike to create and consume as a way to give back to those who made her dreams come true.

  • Virtually, well, Everywhere. Mentally, Nowhere. Physically, London.

  • Birth: 1st November, 2023.

    Death: …..???

  • 1. Observe the monthly prompt. Don’t rush it. Sit with it. Lament over it. Taste it, chew it, swallow or spit it.

    2. a) Scroll, explore, hungrily consume like you have never consumed before. Consumers and lurkers may leave it here.

    b) Create an original essay, poetry, work of fiction or art (audio/visual) based on the now digested prompt.

    3. Submit.

    4. Wait (patiently) for Dakota to scour through submissions and curate.

    5. Consume curation of words and art.

    6. Repeat!


    Bonnie Orbison, Freya, Jasmine, Zofia Rose, Ellia, Anabel Hadad, Rosy, Andreea P, Kate, Tayla, Evelin Hutton, Alexandria Stone, Katrina Andriotis , Nura, Polly Baker, Nona, Lillian Rosenquist, Antônia Dg Lau, Sophia May, Maeve, Paola, Erika Sabb, Gargamel, Nik, Isobel, Lee, Bethany, Talia Knop, Milly, Ripley, Katie, Zion Autry, Hotcheetomami, Sandy C, Mona Magdalena, Kess, Corianna Chauncy, Elena Espada Serrano, Noor Bashir, Yaelaedart, Ej, Maria Francesca Dente, Claudia, Liz, Chloe Rebecca, Ella, Beckabeeps, Emma Windsor, C. Lewis Walker, Cheryl Keating, Millie, Adri, Andrea Alcantara, Selena Maleschuk, Ophelia Selene, Shamma, T Scheller, Evelin Hutton, Stella, Poppy Crompton, Mia Davies, Celine Jafarova, Hannah, Lucia Gittins Jones, Madison Portman, Hotcheetomami, Hannah Day, Ryan Gould, Mikayla ❦, Amada, Kaitlyn Woodford, Alayna C, Nona, Cass, Danielle Lisa Poetry, Jade, Nonoko der Octopus, Kandi Dowson, Dorian Winter, Lex, Aigerima, Milly, Milk Fed, Eva May, Kermit, Lianne Henrie, Reese, Ashley, Ria, Bob Dylan, Valerie M, Literature Lover, Brian White, Su, Emily, Vita Annie, Ruby Waye, Rakel Sandler, Evet, Carlotta Shaw, Zoe, Chris Morrison, Cursdgirl, Kayla Miller-Sissoko, Clara Tonecker, Star, Veera Laitinen, Taylor, Zoe, Minda Severtson, Zoe Odessa, Lee Shanahan, Arden, Owl, Orion, Maria Francesca Dente, Thi, Arlenexf, Julia Pickard, Grace, Zoe, Eadaoin, Michael Crowley, Zoe, Johanna Taraldsøy, Sierra Geuzebroek, Maria Bzhuiyan, Cliff Sowers, Zoe, Lorenzo, Dayna Roberts, Lauri Geuzebroek, Simon Levie, James Geuzebroek, Max, Haizea (Vivi), Alyssa Rivers, Morgan, Zoe, Nona, Andrea Heath, Renee Vincett, Evet Him, Elena, Dervla McDonnell, Sophie, Meryem Atayeva, Michael Maraglia, Eadaoin

    Find more about patrons here.