‘In this piece, I wanted to examine the almost mystic feeling of something ancient: a feeling of fragility, of the true miracle that you and this object are present at the same time; that this thing has had a part in forming your world, and could continue to exist long beyond your death - or, that it might just break between uncareful fingertips, scattering into dust forever.
A sarcophagus mimics the body within, disguising the disintegrating corpse as an exalted piece of art. Humans have always worshipped nature, and since the very first ages, we’ve hailed its beauty in our art. But we’ve also taken from it. Marvelled at it, while leaving it to rot. What would happen, if we were now to peel back the cover of our own creations and ideals, and truly look at nature, the thing that created us: what would happen, if we had lost it? What would it mean, for a sarcophagus to be empty?’
Ingrid Buus Schmidt, 17, Viborg - Denmark ✯
“Ingrid is an aspiring artist and writer. She is inspired by folklore and nature, hoping one day to escape into the forest and never return.”